How does the world get itself out of this horrible loop? Can we? The small number who seek to rule and the blob that just obeys or fails to notice all working to make life a misery for the rest of us...

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You ask the question that holds the key to the survival of the species.

We have always lived in social systems where physical force is used to control people, and that force has gotten more and more sophisticated, powerful, and universal over the centuries. We're at the point where millions can die from the push of a button or the stroke of a pen (global quarantines, for example) and very soon we will be at the point where those actions can take billions of lives. It's literally a race to see which tyrant can kill the most people the quickest in order to be all-powerful. It doesn't take a Nostradamus to see how that will end.

We need a different, peaceful social system and we need it to be working before the otherwise inevitable happens.

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