This is brilliant! Thank you for writing it. I wish you had gone further though - the ownership of our body. That concept, that fundamental understanding has gone right out the window with the idea of "public health" where anyone can come along and force you to put something into your body that you not just do not consent to but vehemently do not consent to. We jab things into our baby's bloodstream every time one is born, how dare we! The concept of body autonomy is creeping away if we let it. Sure take vaccines, take poisons, take anything you like but don't try to force it on others. What about the skies being poisoned and the water fluoridated, and GMO's - meddling with nature's genetics. Who got my consent to do this? Who got yours? We certainly can get through this prison. And it's not hard. All it takes is the will. But I feel like I am the only one with that will and nobody can go it alone. We could take back our life and liberty wholly by the middle of next year. That's how soon we can do it, IF WE HAD THE WILL.

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Thank you. And the hopeful news, Denise, is that you are most definitely not alone. People everywhere are beginning to see that the Emperor has no legitimacy.

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I love to see emperors walking around naked! I would also love to get started on discussions about strategies we can each do. Small things, some daring, some not-so-much. I have written a roadmap on this if you are interested. It's called the Architecture for The New Epoch. I trust we are entering a new epoch - yippee! https://deniseward.substack.com/p/architecture-for-the-new-epoch

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and the words (language) to properly express it.

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Yes for sure. The language is very limiting. But we can expand upon it. My thoughts are that we could anytime start a supplementary dictionary with new words and terms. The way that the supplementary dictionary would choose what was acceptable is by having people vote on submissions that anyone rendered.

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Great article, thank you. I'm with Buckminster Fuller and his suggestion that we build a new world not by opposing the current psycho-system, but by making it irrelevant. This is likely to include resilient communities, the gift economy, and a massive stepping out of the consumer society.

I reprint here Percy Redfern's 1920 statement about our power as consumers, written over 100 years ago:

“In our common everyday needs the great industries of the world take their rise. We – the mass of common men and women in all countries - also compose the world’s markets. To sell to us is the ultimate aim of the world’s business. Hence it is ourselves as consumers who stand in a central relation to all the economies of the world, like the king in his kingdom. As producers we go unto a particular factory, farm or mine, but as consumers we are set by nature thus to give leadership, aim and purpose to the whole economic world. That we are not kings, but serfs in the mass, is due to our failure to think and act together as consumers and so to realise our true position and power.”

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Wow. That quotation is right on the money. (I've never seen it before. Thanks.)

And kudos for seeing the second order consequences. When people realize they rightly own their life and property, they soon realize their power in any marketplace. When they are organize to combine their power it gives billions or even trillions of dollars of honest, non-coercive leverage. (And does away to our current "Click here to waive your rights" unilateral agreements.)

I wrote a little about that here:


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Interesting link-article; thank you.

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in this sense it is effort that leads to property.

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Yes it is. And your effort = your property.

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