Thank you for this wonderful essay about the history of inflating fiat currency.

For those interested in a slightly deeper exposition, I recommend "What the Government Has Done to Our Money" by Murray Rothbard.


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Thank you for the very helpful illustrations of currency debasement. While just a bit mildly depressing, walking up the down escalator financially your whole life is an excellent analogy. I may just have to steal that one. ;)

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It is disheartening, if not depressing. But like so many other aspects of being owned by a nation state it can also provide motivation to find alternatives that are win/win for people who would prefer to have the freedom to run their own lives and make their own choices. At long last, we are living in a time of new alternatives, and emerging potential alternatives.

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Very true...I hope that those alternatives and people acting on them outpace the criminals' intent to further enslave the world through technology, including 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 digital currency.

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Bingo! Your comment reaches me at the very moment I’m writing a post about that very race.

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